Wednesday 15 August 2007

Computer Scare

This morning, I received word right before breakfast (around 7:45am) that the computer lab was down. All I knew was that one person could not login to the network at all. After breakfast, some other people went to use the computer lab, and discovered that they couldn't log in either. After about another hour or so, we learned that it was a system wide problem at Gonville and Caius, so all students, faculty, administrators, etc also could not access computers or the internet. TODAY is a major due date for seminar papers, so many students were stressing. Honestly, I was only annoyed that I didn't have access to the internet. I finished my Joyce paper last night and re-read it this morning, but I had no errors on it or anything that I wanted to change at the last minute. I felt horrible for people who planned on finishing their papers in morning, and espeically people who had 2 huge papers today (students in Ulysses and King Arthur)!

After several more hours of panic and stress from students, the program director informed us the lab was up and running again. We learned this at 11:15, at the start of my Ulysses class. After class, I was finally able to get access to the computers again. That's the thing about technology....when you need it the most, it fails. Ahh, sadness.

In other news, the final banquet is tomorrow. It will be an extravagant, six-course dinner (I plan to take a photo of each course) complete with readings from students in travel writing about their reflections on Cambridge. After the banquet, our program director informed us it is tradition to go to the buttery after (our bar on campus) and hang out, since Yassmeen and I leave at 4AM for the airport!!! I don't know how much sleep I will be getting Wed. night....

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