Monday 13 August 2007

The final few days

Life at Cambridge right now consists of Computer lab, computer lab, and oh, did I mention, computer lab? We are all in the middle of finishing up final papers. For most classes, final papers and exams are due on Wednesday. On Thursday, we still have classes (ridiculous, I know!) and then the final banquet. T-Carn (program director) told me he wants me to do a dramatic reading. This past weekend, I read a page from Ulysses for the talent show and it went over very well. Somehow, I was able to make James Joyce laughable. I'll keep you posted on that.

Friday morning, Yassmeen and I leave on teh 4:50am bus for Heathrow. We first have to fly to Dublin, where we have a two-hour lay over, and end up in Boston at around 4:15pm--pretty much the height of rush hour. I'm not looking forward to that looong travel day.

Okay, so back to reality. I really have to get back to this James Joyce paper, pretty much the bane of my existence. But hopefully, more updates to come once it is done!

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