Tuesday 10 July 2007

Food, Glorious Food!

It's a widely accepted fact that British food is horrible. The image of boiled potatoes, some strange, unrecognizable piece of meat seem to be the obvious image conjured. If not that, then a person with yellow, uneven teeth (Think: Austin Powers) easily comes to mind. On a quest to discover whether the British got it right or not when it came to cuisine, I can't speak for the entire nation, but I can successfully say that the dining hall at Caius college has it down.

Breakfast and dinner is included in the summer university program, and both are an elegant affair. At breakfast, there are options of cold cereals, fresh raspberries, strawberries, and melons, as well as an assortment of bread, cheeses, butter, and fresh pastries. If that's not enough, in the kitchen is a "british breakfast," consisting of fried and scrambled eggs, sausages, beans, and boiled tomatoes. I don't understand the whole tomato bit, so I stick with safe foods like cereal and eggs.

For lunch, I usually go to the grocery store or the open air market to buy fresh bread and fruit. At 1 or 2 pounds ($2 or $4), you can have a light lunch like Irish soda bread with brie and an apple.

Dinner is a very fancy affair. The dining hall resembles Hogwart's, with long, narrow tables and about 20 people on each side. You can see a photo of the dining hall here....http://cambridge.unh.edu/
No one sits at the head of the tables. We are served by a very pleasant wait-staff, all of them English as a second language.

The first course is usually some sort of salad or soup, and you are allowed to choose whether or not you would like the soup or salad. The next course is the main course, which is usually some sort of meat...so far, we had boneless chicken and salmon, and tomorrow--duck. There are three sides with the main course, some sort of vegetable like stringed beans or ratatouille, and then some sort of potato...whether it's potatoes au gratin or steak fries. The food has been fantastic, as well as the delicious salads and other dishes. Honestly, I feel as if I am at a fancy, elegant restaurant rather than a university. There's also an abundance of ethnic food places in the area...Indian, tai, italian, and even irish pub-type of places! All these delicious dishes are possible with the walkability of the city, which has beautiful gardens and parks, as well as a river that runs through it (sadly, no Brad Pitt), so I am able to do lots of walking and breathe in the fresh air.

I'm not certain yet if there is a typical "British food," but I know that what I am being served right now is absolutely delicious.

1 comment:

Alexa said...

Ahahaha, it does look like Hogwart's! Do you wear the robes, too?