Wednesday 11 July 2007

King's College Choir

Today I had the intense pleasure of seeing the King's College Choir. The choir is one of the oldest and most prestigious groups, usually singing for special events or for various functions. I was hoping to see the boy's choir, which is composed of young males around ages 7-11, but we happened to sit in on the evening vespers ceremony, where the college male choir sang.

Getting to the actual chapel was intense. We were not allowed into the chapel until approximately 15 minutes before the service, and there were strictly no photographs, cell phones, or loud coughing allowed!--okay, I made that last one up. But seriously, the Brits are intense. While waiting outside the chapel in the courtyard area, the Sign "Keep of the Grass" was written in five different languages!!!!

Once inside the chapel, we all waited while the college males filed in, about 10-12 in all. They must have felt somewhat awkward being constantly oogled at. We waited while they began to chant evening hymns in Latin, and it was absolutely beautiful. My favorite was "the anthem" in which they all harmonized their gorgeous voices together....guys that could sing high notes too. The chapel itself was so beautiful as well as their voices, and I closed my eyes and even began to cry---the music was just that moving. Around me, other people closed their eyes or bowed their heads in prayer.

We all received programs of the Latin chants so we could follow along, and at the bottom of each page, it said, "please turn page quietly." The British don't forget any details!

The finale performance of the choirs are this Sunday, and I would love to see the boys' choir, especially because their voices are so high and untouched by puberty---almost angelic!!

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