Sunday 22 July 2007


Last night, we headed out to Quinn's, an Irish pub next to the Crowne Plaza Hotel for some quality Karaoke. Once at the pub, I had a classic Pimms and Lemonade, which is really what everyone in England drinks (either that or some sort of Beer). Pimms is a sweetish hard liquor, and the lemonade isn't the lemonade we think of--it's sort of a fizzy soft drink that goes down nice and smooth. It doesn't even taste like alcohol, which is fantastic! I can't do a manhattan (or, um, is it a granny??) like some people. ;)

After grabbing a few drinks and watching some people make absolute fools out of themselves, I submitted my name for Journey's "Don't Stop Believin"--a classic song!!! I was called up to the microphone, but they didn't have the song I wanted--it was a different version, with different words, and by a different group! LAME! So I sat down instead (I had no idea what the song they were playing was) and later on did a group song with all the girls, Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart." It was a great song, and we got lots of applause and cheers, even though it seemed like the song went on forever...including a looong musical break.

The most hilarious thing happened shortly of our professors showed up to sing!! I don't personally have him for class (he teaches travel writing and is in his sixties), but some of the other people have him for class and were shocked at his un-teacherly behavior. He sang "Doctor Doctor (gimme the love)." I didn't know the song, but I found it hilarious. He was busting all these moves left and right, and I learned that he used to be in a rock band when he was younger. No surprise there. He got even more applause than our group!! Here are a few of the photos from last night:

Getting really into the music!

"Turn around, bright eyes......"

Emily, Sara, Yas, Me, and the other Sara with our awesome bartender!

Our professor singing-really into the music!

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