Wednesday 15 August 2007

Computer Scare

This morning, I received word right before breakfast (around 7:45am) that the computer lab was down. All I knew was that one person could not login to the network at all. After breakfast, some other people went to use the computer lab, and discovered that they couldn't log in either. After about another hour or so, we learned that it was a system wide problem at Gonville and Caius, so all students, faculty, administrators, etc also could not access computers or the internet. TODAY is a major due date for seminar papers, so many students were stressing. Honestly, I was only annoyed that I didn't have access to the internet. I finished my Joyce paper last night and re-read it this morning, but I had no errors on it or anything that I wanted to change at the last minute. I felt horrible for people who planned on finishing their papers in morning, and espeically people who had 2 huge papers today (students in Ulysses and King Arthur)!

After several more hours of panic and stress from students, the program director informed us the lab was up and running again. We learned this at 11:15, at the start of my Ulysses class. After class, I was finally able to get access to the computers again. That's the thing about technology....when you need it the most, it fails. Ahh, sadness.

In other news, the final banquet is tomorrow. It will be an extravagant, six-course dinner (I plan to take a photo of each course) complete with readings from students in travel writing about their reflections on Cambridge. After the banquet, our program director informed us it is tradition to go to the buttery after (our bar on campus) and hang out, since Yassmeen and I leave at 4AM for the airport!!! I don't know how much sleep I will be getting Wed. night....

Monday 13 August 2007

The final few days

Life at Cambridge right now consists of Computer lab, computer lab, and oh, did I mention, computer lab? We are all in the middle of finishing up final papers. For most classes, final papers and exams are due on Wednesday. On Thursday, we still have classes (ridiculous, I know!) and then the final banquet. T-Carn (program director) told me he wants me to do a dramatic reading. This past weekend, I read a page from Ulysses for the talent show and it went over very well. Somehow, I was able to make James Joyce laughable. I'll keep you posted on that.

Friday morning, Yassmeen and I leave on teh 4:50am bus for Heathrow. We first have to fly to Dublin, where we have a two-hour lay over, and end up in Boston at around 4:15pm--pretty much the height of rush hour. I'm not looking forward to that looong travel day.

Okay, so back to reality. I really have to get back to this James Joyce paper, pretty much the bane of my existence. But hopefully, more updates to come once it is done!

Saturday 11 August 2007

Stonehenge Rocks!!!

Ever since the beginning of this program, I knew I wanted to go to Stonehenge. After looking at the list of excursions and learning that our group was not going this year, I spoke with the director about alternate ways to get there. When I mentioned I wanted to go, he actually discouraged me and told me "nothing's out there." That couldn't have been further from the truth.

Yesterday, I embarked on the journey to Salisbury (home of Stonehenge and the steak) with Ann Marie and Heather. I was planning to journey out there by myself, but a week before I learned Ann Marie would be going with her friend, so it worked out quite perfectly. Our route of public transportation would be arduous, so I planned on waking up very early that morning. However, my alarm clock didn't go off and I ended up at getting up almost at 8am, threw my travel items (camera, lunch, fruit, water, rainjacket) together in a bag and went downstairs to meet the other girls. We began the 5 minute walk to Parker's Pieces, where the bus would pick us up to go to London. It would be about 1.5 hours bus ride to London, then using the underground to get to Waterloo Station, then another hour or so train ride to Salisbury. Our trip to Salisbury went very smoothly, as trains in England run very regularly (nothing like the MBTA). However, unlike the MBTA, the prices for train tickets are very high (About $32 for a round trip ticket from London to Salisbury).

When we arrived, we decided to do the Stonehenge tour bus, since it included the price of admission and more information about the other (doing a regular bus and admission fee was about the same) parts of the town. We boarded the bright red, double-decker "Sightseeing" bus and I made sure to get a good seat on the top level, near the tour guide, Barbara. Barbara was probably in her late 50s or early 60s, and it was impossible for me to discern her nationality. She didn't really have a British accent at all, but she couldn't have been American. Or was she Spanish, and her accent had faded away? It stills remains a mystery. Anyway, Barbara began to inform us about the city of Salisbury, a medieval/gothic planned city. We drove by the hospital where Florence Nightingale, the founder of the Red Cross, was trained at, which was very excitiing! She also pointed out other places of interest, including Salisbury's main cathedral, where the Magna Carta was stationed at.

We were almost at Stonehenge when our bus merged onto another road with rows and rows of cars lined up! I wondered, "What's the traffic all about?!?" I asked Barbara if all these cars were headed to Stonehenge. Laughing, she said, "No, no...don't worry, it is not that crowded. We on a major thoroughfare that is always slow in the summer due to people leaving early from work for holiday." Thank Goodness!! After the bus driver manuevered us through the heavy traffic, the bus took a right onto another road and there it was: Stonehenge!

When most people think of Stonehenge, they think of it as a pile of rocks or rubbish, and wonder why so many make a pilgrammage from so far away. Stonehenge is actually one of the oldest prehistoric sites in the world. It was built around 3000BC, and the great mystery is how the stones were moved (from over 200 miles away) and how they were raised. Who raised the stones up like that? Is it a religious shrine? How on earth did they get the top of the stones on the other two standing ones?. More than all of this, Stonehenge is the first example of the post and lintel system in THE WORLD. That means all our architecture, our buildings, our doorways...every two posts you see with a lintel on the top....all originate from Stonehenge. Knowing the history, the mystery, and the wonder of Stonehenge is key for visiting it.

After I was out of the bus, and our group emerged from the tunnel underground (to go through the street), I first saw Stonehenge. My mouth dropped open and I clapped my hands together in excitement. Some other in our tourists turned and I said, "I'm sorry, I'm just REALLY excited!" Another woman reassured me: "Don't worry, I feel the same way." I began taking lots of photos, while at the same time, trying to stay close to our group leader Barbara. We first had a 20 or so minute informational session at various points of the structure, and about another 30 minutes free to ourselves. I could barely listen as she explained the elaborate pulley system used to stand the stones and the natural energy of the area....Here I was, at Stonehenge. Thousands and thousands of years old...and I'm standing right in front of it. I've seen photos of it for many years, and studied it in my senior year at Holy Cross in an architecture course. But there's nothing like actually being there, standing in front of it; the scale is immediate. You are aware of your smallness, and of its vastness. It's different from writing about an experience or taking photos of it. You are attempting to capture it, but in some way, these methods fall short. You have to go there.

After being awakened from my awe-like state with the realization that our bus would soon leave, we hightailed it to the gift shop, then boarded the bus. On our way back to the center, we stopped at Salisbury Cathedral. There, we got to see some rather remarkable items. The first was the oldest known clock in the world, from the medieval period. It was very odd looking and large, consisting of ropes that lead to the ceiling and various metal wheels. I tried to count when the wheel moved and it seemed as if it moved every 5 seconds. The second very exciting place in Salisbury was the Chapel House, where the original Magna Carta is. Unfortunately, no photographs were allowed there, and it was impossible for me to get one anyway since a guide was stationed right next to it. It was enclosed in glass, and it was literally a poster size sheet of paper (high quality, old paper tho). The writing was miniscule---I could barely read a line without going blind! They must have had very strong prescription glasses!

After leaving Salisbury, we walked around the town (which is very cute and reminds me of Cambridge with its canals, fun stores, and scenery) and grabbed dinner at a nearby pub. I had a mozzerella, pesto, and tomato sandwich with salad and some chips. Due to the recent outbreak of another case of mad cow disease here (thanks Alexa), I am sort of a pseudo-vegetarian here. I find myself eating hummus, peanut butter, cheese, and fish for protein rather than red meats. Red meat isn't that good for you anyway, so I don't feel as if I'm missing out.

After dinner, it was around 6pm, and we knew it would take us around 4 hours or so to return to Cambridge (I don't get why there isn't a direct train/bus from Cambridge to Salisbury), so we decided to head out. I would love to spend some more time in Salisbury, but part of me feels fulfilled visiting Stonehenge. I don't know when I will get to visit England again, as I am hoping to visit Austria next, so I was so pleased to make Stonehenge part of my experience here. It rocked.

Thursday 9 August 2007

Final Day in Scotland!

Can you feel the excitement and energy of the drummers?

Yassmeen and I clap/dance along with them!
Arthur's Seat and the Great Pyramid come together!

Penguins at the Zoo!

Waiting for the Penguin Parade

The Penguin Walk

Me before the drum show!

On our last full day in Scotland, we wanted to do it all: hike Arthur's seat, a smallish mountain near our dormitory, go to the Edinburgh Zoo to see the Penguins, and attend the Korean drum show. As I learned that day, it is possible to do it all!

After fueling up on a breakfast on eggs, toast, boiled tomatoes, and a daring move to try the haggis, we were ready to take on any challenge! Haggis, quite simply, is sheep intenstines. It sounds disgusting, I know, but it is all chopped up in tiny pieces and mixed together with stuffing. Picture a dark brown/pudding like substance with flecks of white. I tried a bite of it at breakfast and it didn't taste so bad. It resembled VERY salty turkey stuffing. I gave myself kudos for trying it, but I don't think it will be a regular part of my diet.

After the bold haggis move, I attempted an even bolder move: climbing Arthur's Seat. Arthur's Seat is a high mountain, approximately 250 meters to its top. Supposedly, children and young adults in the Scottish school systems were forced to run to the very top of it on occassion. Cruel and unusual punishment. We decided we would climb up on our own pace. Luckily, there were stairs made of rocks built into the side of the mountain, so going up was the easy part--it was like walking up many stories of uneven stairs. The view from the top was spectacular--we could see the entire city of Edinburgh and even a small island off its coast. Coming down the mountain was actually the most difficult part of climbing it!! We literally got off the beaten path, since we climbed down a different side/area than we climbed up. The rocky stairs were nowhere near our reach, so we had to do some mountain climbing down over jagged rocks and slippery paths. I ended up going down the mountain on my butt for most of it.

After our mountain expedition, we grabbed a bus to the zoo to be on time for the 2:00 penguin walk! Before my trip to Scotland, I heard many stories about the penguins there. They are at the Zoo, but at 2pm everyday, about 10-12 are released and walk around the courtyard. I didn't want to miss that! We arrived at the Zoo and had plenty of time to see other animals, including polar bears, painted dogs, koalas, and of course, the penguin walk. We camped out about a half hour before to get a good spot on the edge of the courtyard. Before they released the penguins, I heard this announcement: "Please have young children stand or hold them in your arms, as the penguins are curious about things on their eye level and will peck. Also, please do not feed them and take care of loose objects, since the Penguins will try to eat anything and everything." I had to stand, and waited as the penguins were released. They then walked by, about 11 of them, and were so close I could almost touch them! (But I didn't, thanks to the huge announcement/disclaimer)! Seeing the penguins that close for all of 5 seconds was similar to seeing a flower that blooms every 50 years. It was such a brief glimpse, a tiny second in time. Part of me wondered, "Is that it? I want my money back!!" while the other part of me was thrilled to experience something so unique.

When our group became tired of the smell of maneur and the young children going nuts over the penguins, we left the zoo. We did about 1-2 hours of souvenior shopping/bargain hunting, and then got ready for the last event on our schedule: the Korean drum show. The drum show was only 5 pounds entry, since it was a preview of their performance. It was held in a large, outdoor courtyard by the old Edinburgh University. Before we got there, there were huge drums and different set up on stage, along with colorful ribbons and banners to add to the festive nature of the performance.

When the Korean performers actually came out, they entered from a side entrance, tapping their instruments, drums, and tamborines and weaving through the crowd, encouraging us to clap and sing. Their energy was infectious; the crowd began to clap and dance along with them. Each musical piece they performance was different. One piece was a slow, singing ballad while others involved them drumming and encouraging us to sing, "hey, hey, hey" with them. The BEST part, by far, was the end of the show. At the end, similar to how they all entered, they grabbed their musical instruments and began to weave through the crowd, but this time encouraged us to form a conga line. I grabbed the shoulders of the person in front of me, while another person held onto mine from the back. We probably formed the largest conga line I was a part of, as we all danced and swayed around the courtyard. Then, the conga line became a massive circle, when they invited people to come and dance with them. Yassmeen and I got in the center and begin to dance and clap along with them. It was so much fun--a natural rush!!

Sustained from the euphoric high of the performance, my group went out to dinner for Indian food (chicken bhouna was awesome) and then got back to the dorms around 10:30/11pm. It had been a long and productive day, and overall a wonderful two days in Scotland, but we had to head back early in the morning Sunday to return to Cambridge. Yes sadly, papers and the reality that this is a "study abroad" program hit.

The bus ride coming back was unmemorable--and I'd especially like to block out the rancid smell of garbage and the gross prepackaged sandwich I had for lunch. But overall, my trip to Scotland was wonderful, and I would love to return someday to explore more of this unique part of the UK.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Ode to Hob Nobs

It's a running joke in the program that I love Hob Nobs. They are a British cookie/biscuit like item that is a great treat to dunk in tea (see photo above). They are coincidentally, high in fiber. I wrote this short piece that I shared among friends who loved it. Hope it gives you a sense of the cookie culture here.

Ode to Hob Nobs
By Lisa “Hob to the Nobbity Nob” Litterio

The explosion of oats and milk chocolate permeated my tongue and elicited an instant “mmmmm” from my mouth. Taking the precious remains of the cookie out of my mouth and dipping in a cup of tea, I marvelled at its endurance: the oat biscuit formation not melted by the heat. It was a cookie, but it was something so much more: a Hob Nob.

Before my RyanAir plane ever landed at Bristol, England, I had never heard of Hob Nobs nor digestive biscuits. I was an unassuming American, partial to the one and only Oreo, America’s cookie of choice, or occasionally a Mrs. Field’s. I was not a cookie fanatic; it was a “sometimes” treat. My first Hob Nob experience was in a tourist and smog filled Service station at Gordano. My friend Yassmeen and I were looking for a quick dinner upon our arrival to England. Grabbing a sandwich that was not riddled with mayo (a true challenge, I can assure you), I looked in the biscuit aisle for a delicious after-dinner treat. A bright blue, circular container caught my eye, with large, white lettering: Hob Nobs. Embracing my hand around the package, I read the details: a wholesome, oat biscuit covered in milk chocolate. Sounded good to me. And the resealable package was an added bonus.

As soon as I returned from the station and opened the resealable package in the solace of our hotel room, I examined the entity thoroughly. Circular, no more than a centimetre high, yet coated with chocolate on the top. It had a grainy, rough texture against my palm. Opening my mouth, I rested the cookie, chocolate side up, on my tongue. My first taste was almost crunchy, quaker-oat like substance, then the milk chocolate hit: pure bliss. As I glanced at the side of the package again and noticed the fiber content advertisement, it seemed the ultimate paradox to me: a healthy dessert. What was this magical delight? And why had I never seen it before in the United States?

Hob Nobs are unique to the UK and surprisingly, a rather recent phenomenon. McVitie's first introduced the brand in 1985. A milk chocolate-covered version was made available in 1987, and the biscuit is currently available in many varieties, including dark chocolate, chocolate orange, and HobNob bars. I am not adventurous when it comes to this treat; I stick with the regular chocolate, although digestives at tea time may tempt. What is a Hob Nob, you may wonder? Digestive, biscuit, cookie, or other? At first, I was confused with the label of “digestive” biscuits. Why not call them colon cookies? Laxatives? Just come out already and say it, chaps! However, I soon learned from personal experience that biscuits aren’t what we think of us biscuits. They are cookies! Only the British refer to cookies as only chocolate chip cookies. Nothing else. Can’t we just have a universal cookie/biscuit system? Why the cultural confusion? Hob Nobs are in a league all their own; not siding with the “cookie” or the “digestive,” but referred to by their brand name, thus rising above the regularity of the savoury biscuit aisle.

Hob Nobs are not only a cookie, but they are also a peacemaker. For the past two weeks, my regular bedder, Jackie, has been on vacation. In her place is Pam, a woman who does not and cannot stop talking. She is not physically threatening; standing at about 5’2” and maybe 150 lbs, with crooked teeth and short, cropped grey hair. Yet, there is not a moment of solace in my room when Pam is around. Opening the door, she begins talking in her thick, British accent, “Hello and how are ya? I was gonna wiggle the key in the door and knock at the same time, but I didn’t know if that would be alright. Let me tell you about the time I had opened a door and a student was in their towel and…….” As Journey would sing, “it goes on and on and on….” I would purposefully avoid Pam during the day by packing a lunch and returning to my room around 3pm, when she would (hopefully) be gone.

Today was her last day, and since it was a Friday with no classes, I felt some remorse for my treatment of her, including the gossip around her back. She was telling me about her weekend plans, including stopping by Elly if I had the chance, when an epiphany hit me: there are a package of Hob Nobs in the kitchen I just bought! Telling Pam to hold on, I ran into our gyp (the British kitchen) to grab the unopened package of Hobnobs. Displaying them like a prized trophy, I handed them to her. “Pam, I got you this, since I knew it would be your last day.” Her eyes became animated with laughter (and even tears?) and her short, stocky arms extended wide to embrace me. “Oh, thank you so much!! Thank you! I love Hob Nobs. This is wonderful!” She continued to talk onward and followed up with some more hugs, while part of me tuned her out.
What was it about Hob Nobs? Sure, they taste amazing, but they almost have a magical force. A softness about them ….I’m not referring to the softness of your waistline after consuming one too many, but the way they somehow bring people together. Despite the cultural gaps and the faux pas, there are Hob Nobs. Standing like a beacon of hope in Sainsbury’s or Tesco, they offer your taste buds temporary moments of sheer delight and permanent satisfaction. I wonder, if Hob Nobs were implemented at diplomatic summits, would there be peace? What would happen if leaders from various nations were served Hob Nobs and tea? Instead of slandering one another’s country or policies, they would debate on whether to eat Hob Nobs chocolate side up or chocolate side down. Maybe it’s too great a leap from the supermarket shelf to world peace. But I’m quite certain, that if there’s one cookie out there that can make that claim, it is the savoury, delightful, and oat-y Hob Nob.


I will have time for the last installment of Scotland tomorrow. Right now I am working on my seminar paper due tomorrow. Since I'm a grad student, I have ONE major paper in the course rather than 2 small papers. It is going to be around 17 pages total, which is decent, and it is on the poetry of Yeats. Fun stuff, so I'll have to keep you waiting on the penguins!

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Scotland--Day 2

Me and Yassmeen with William Wallace!

The Kilt Factory, where kilts are made

Edinburgh Castle

Me with the guard on duty there

Working hard at the Whiskey Museum with Yassmeen and Cat

The Military Tattoo Advertisement

Bagpipers of Scotland--The opening act!

On Saturday morning, we rose early since we had a scheduled tour of Edinburgh castle at that time. The castle itself is situation high up on hill and overlooks most of the city. I knew it would be a Holy Cross-esque hike to the top. In order to get to the castle, we all boarded on the coach bus (trust me, I didn't want to get back on for a long, loong time) for the 10 minute ride to the castle. However, there was a small snag. The leaders of our group ending up leading Nigel, our bus driver, down a one way street! He was a volatile, Mr. Clean look alike and ended up flipping out! After coaxing him to do a 26 point turn in the middle of the street, Nigel said, "There's no way I can turn this bus around! It's not a car; it's a fifty-nine seater!" After some expletives and more disgruntled statements from Nigel, they ended up letting us off all the bus, while our group leader ran down the end of the street so Nigel could back up the bus a good 300 yards or so to the previous intersection. I did not envy him at that moment in time, yet I wondered why our leaders (from the US!) are supposed to provide the bus driver (a UK driver) with detailed directions. It didn't seem right.

The Castle itself was beautiful. It was a large, circular building, and in the front of the castle, huge bleachers were set up for the evening--the Military Tattoo. Before the Scotland trip, I heard countless stories of the Tattoo, and at first, I thought we were getting a tour of a tattoo parlor and didn't understand the huge fuss about it. The Tattoo is a musical performance/event that is compromised of many different musical acts. For example, there is traditional Scottish bagpippers in kilts, but there are also dancers from Tawain, a military marching band from Massachusetts (YAY!), and professional ,young motorcyclists. Tickets are usually sold out VERY far in advance, and our group tickets were purchased in November of 2006 just for this event!!! :)

After completing the castle tour with audioguides, we got sucked into the Scottish kilt-making museum, which turned out to be a black hole of gift shops. The weaving/textile factory was in the middle, and it required you to walk around through countless gift shops just to get out. I thought I would never see the light of day, but we finally made it out of there!

After the Castle, we grabbed lunch at a nearby café, and only had a small amount of of time before our next appointment at HolyRood, the palace of Scotland. We thought we would pop into the very famous Whiskey museum. I am not a fan of whiskey at all, but this tour changed my mind! After buying our tickets (about 7 pounds each), we went into the museum and were served a blended whiskey in a special whiskey glass. Our tour guide explained to us that blended whiskey means that it is part whiskey from barley and also part whiskey made from mixed grains. I learned how to swirl, smell, and taste the whiskey in a very posh manner. The whiskey didn't taste like anything--it didn't leave an alcohol smell/potency in my taste buds, but it partly burned/warmed my throat as it went down. It may sound strange, but I felt it more in my throat than my mouth. Through the tour, I learned numerous tidbits about whiskey (probably more than I ever wanted to know): it needs at least 3 years in a barrel to ferment, it varies in color and smell, and blended whiskies are produced at a much higher rate than barley whiskies. I also made the obvious connection to scotch. Whenever you hear someone in a movie say, "scotch on the rocks," they are referring to scottish whiskey. I'll get it next time Sean Connery utters that in a movie. The highlight of the whiskey museum was the barrel ride! We got to sit in barrels (made for about 4 people) and take a trip around the museum for the history of whiskey. The ride was dark, complete with life-like figures smuggling whiskey during its scarcity and at the end, we were led straight to the gift shop!

After the whiskey tour, we headed to the HolyRood, the old Scotland palace, and did a quick tour through there, since everyone was exhausted from all the walking/touring. We headed back to Pollock Halls for a quick dinner, and then left to go to the Military Tattoo, almost 2 hours early! The tattoo started at 9, but we were advised to get there as early as possible. The Royal Mile, the main street in Scotland, was shut down since the street was literally a wall of crowds to get into this event. After slowly making my way through the crowd, by grabbing onto sweatshirts of other friends and staying close with one of the group leaders, Margaret Love (doesn't she have a great name?), we finally made our way to our seats in the bleachers.

The actual Tattoo went by so quickly--there were so many amazing musical and performance acts, from the young boys (ages 6-12) who did motorcycle stunts to the military marching band from Massachusetts....I absolutely loved it! No wonder the event sells out so quickly. If you ever have a chance to go to Scotland, DEFINITELY going to the Military Tattoo, the castle, and the whiskey museum. More adventures to come involving our last day in Scotland...special appearance by penguins!

Sunday 5 August 2007

The Journey to Scotland--Day 1

Outside the Bronte Parsonage, at the Literary Lawn

At the Scotland Border

As I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock ding-ing, I read the black numbers: 6:00am. "You must be joking??!" I thought to myself, as I contemplated going back to sleep, when I realized I was not joking and today was an important day for me to get out of bed on time. It was of course, the trip to Scotland, the bonus weekend for four days around Edinburgh. What amounted to four days was in actuality 2, since the majority of Thursday and Sunday was traveling in a 59 passenger coach bus. By bus (not including stops), the Scotland trip would be around 8 hours. In order to alleviate the insanity that comes with being in a tightly enclosed space, the organizers of the trip included a 3 hour stop along the way, in Northern England at the Bronte Parsonage, the country estates of writers Charlotte (Jane Eyre, anyone?) and Emily Bronte.

After an incredibly early but delicious breakfast, we boarded the bus for Scotland. There are 49 people in the group total, and the coach bus fits 59, so there were 10 extra seats. Despite our scheming, I ended up with Yas (but on the way home we each got our own seats) as my seatpartner, which was fantastic, but still, cramped for space.

The stop at the Parsonage was a welcome relief. Our cook, Stewart, had made us each a boxed lunch--the best box lunch I had in my life! I signed up for a hummus and whole wheat sandwich, but I was surprised by the amount of food in the lunch--a piece of fruit, an apple juice, crackers and cheese, a piece of homemade vegetable quiche, and some sort of banana bread. It was spectacular and positively wonderful we didn't have to shell out extra cash for an expensive, tourist lunch. At the parsonage, we walked around and saw the countryside, including climbing to the top of the moors (small mountains) and walking through large fields near cattle and horses. We also had a chance to tour the Bronte home and I learned more about Charlotte Bronte--she was only around 4'10", lived a relatively short life, and her father was not as "sinister" as some of the autobiographies make him out to be. After spending several hours there, we were rounded back on the bus. However, some students spent longer than usually walking around (or um, going to get ice cream), so we ended up leaving from the parsonage at 3:00pm instead of 2:30pm. Our director, almost 70 years old and very regal, went to the front of the bus and grabbed the microphone: "I'm very disappointed with you all not being here on time. This is unacceptable. Bye." Somehow, the way he delivered it (perhaps the "bye" at the end, making it more like a phone conversation) was comical and we all burst out laughing. I was back on the bus early too and the same old cliche of "preaching to the choir" definitely applied here. C'mon now.

After several uneventful hours reading on the bus, occasionally napping, and playing movie games with my seatmates, we finally arrived outside of Edinburgh around 8pm. Tired and exhausted, we unpacked our belongings at Pollock Halls, part of the university that houses students there. My room was amazing, and much better than had a shower and bathroom in the room, which was fantastic! By the time I unpacked and grabbed a quick bite to eat at the pub, it was around 10pm, and time for bed. We would all need a goodnight's sleep for the day(s) ahead! More to follow....

Sunday 29 July 2007

Adventures in Punting

Doggy Navigator

Our punting boat

Punting Instructor

Other Students struggling to move along defines punting as rather concise, "To propel (a boat) with a pole." Sounds simple, right? In actuality, punting was a lot more complicated than it was defined.

On Friday afternoon, our program had the pleasure of taking part in a parting excursion on the river Cam (the major river that runs through the city of Cambridge....hmm, I wonder where they got name?). Usually any day on the river Cam, you can see lots of flat boats propeled up and down the river by a punter. A punter is a professional who stands on the back of a flat boat, balanced with his or her feet, and carries a huge, long wooden pole and moves the boat backward or forwards by pushing the pole in the water. Most of the tourists are smart and hire professionals to take them along the river Cam. However, our program decided to let us be a little more adventorous by letting us be punters for the day. We would be in a boat of six, and anyone who wanted to could punt for a little bit then switch.

We all headed down to the docks about 3 in the afternoon, and there we divided into groups of 6 (6 people in a boat) and received a short, 5 minute punting lesson. Our instructor basically told us to keep the pole in the water and use it as a rudder, steering the boat to the right or left if need be. We waited while several groups got out, and then I decided to punt first in my boat. I got on the back of the boat with my feet flat on its backside, balancing my weight evenly. I grabbed the wooden pole and put it in the water, moving it away from me so the boat would start to move. I did not realize how heavy the pole would be; it was similar to weight lifting, the resistance of the water made it even more difficult to push the boat along. I kept trying to get us away from the dock and then I heard the director of the program from the shore, shouting at me, "You can do it, Lisa!!! Do this for your Italian heritage!!!!!!" With him shouting at me (he's nuts and I have no idea what punting has to do with the history of the Italian people), I was able to get the boat out of the dock and through the bridge to the other side.

In just a matter of minutes, I was happy to exchange the wooden pole with someone else in my boat. Punting, as I learned quickly, was A LOT harder than it looked and definitely less fun. While other people in other boats jumped out and into the water, we were told it was not easy to fall in; you could only really fall in if your pole got stuck on the bottom of the river and you kept pushing, thus propelling yourself into the water. Once I was nestled safely inside the boat, I had an amazing view of "The Backs" of colleges, including King's College, Clare, and Trinity. The river was crowded though with lots of other punting boats, including one with a navigator dog! It was an action packed hour, and we were more than happy to finish punting and head back to the college for pizza and relaxation.

So that was part of my fun this past weekend, but this week is a different story. I am currently trying to finish up papers and other coursework due this week. Since we leave on Thursday morning for a looooooong trip to Scotland (about 8-10 hours by bus), this short week is jammed packed! I am thinking of everyone in the US and hope you are all doing well and staying cool!

Cheers, Lisa

High Tea in London

Enjoying the best cup of tea in my life!

Outside with the Doorman
Outside of Brown's Hotel, where High Tea happened
The tower of wonderous delights

High Tea-ing

High Tea is a once in a lifetime experience that everyone should partake in if they plan to be in the London area. High Tea is different from regular tea in several respects; you can only do "high tea" at some of the most expensive, posh places in the city, such as Brown's Hotel, the Marriot, and other fancy, British hotels. High Tea is not just a tea bag with some biscuits. Instead, it is a pot or two of finely steeped, loose tea that is placed through a strainer, and served with a tier of fancy, edible items, such as sandwiches, scones, and mini pastries.

My group of friends and I had been planning our high tea trip since about two weeks ago. After much planning, we secured a reservation at Brown's Hotel for 3pm on Saturday, the day when our group would have a free day in London with our program.

After spending some time at London tower and London bridge, we headed over to Brown's hotel, located not too far from Picadilly Circus, a NY Times like attraction with neon billboards and large signs.

Once we arrived at Brown's and we saw a doorman in a top hat standing outside, I immediately became nervous (Is this too high society/too uppity, I thought to myself...would we even be allowed through the door?!). We were told the dress code in advance (which was "smart casual"), so we made certain everyone in our group was appropriately dressed in khakis or black pants with no "sport shoes" (we all assumed that meant sneakers). Once the door was ceremoniously opened for us and we walked inside, I became very excited. The team room was to the left, and featured soft, pastel padded sofas and chairs. I was engulfed by the aroma of fresh hot tea and my eyes were delighted at the colorful trays of pastries and sandwiches. Near the side of room was a piano player, playing pretty much everything from Elton John to Whitney Houston.
Since we had a reservation, we were immediately seated at a long, rectangular table, with couches and padded chairs on the outside. Looking around the room, I suddenly felt underdressed. Men were in jackets and ties, while women wore beautiful, tailored suitjackets and pants, or short dresses and skirts. "We're tourists," I thought to myself, "and we're dressed nicely considering we've been trekking around London all day." Looking around, no one seemed to mind that we were there. If anything, the British people were assumed that we were taking photographs of every edible item and every piece of silverware in front of us.

When we sat down, we browsed the tea selection and I decided on the safe British breakfast tea. Included in the price of afternoon tea was unlimited homemade scones, homemade jam and clotted cream, finger sandwiches that were cucumber, tomato and cheese, smoked salmon, or ham and eggs, and a mini dessert tray. Sounds delicious, right?

The silverware and the teapots were all genuine silver and once my tea arrived and I took a sip, I was in shock. It was not overwhelming, bitter, or strong; it was exactly how I imagined real tea to be: slightly sweet and refreshing. I wondered if it was the leaves themselves, because I never add sugar or honey to my hot beverages. I only added a little milk. The tea was hot and it was unlimited as well, and I ended up drinking a pot and a half!! The scones were amazing, and they were miniature so it didn't feel as bad eating several of them at once. The finger sandwiches were also amazing, and I especially enjoyed the cucumber and cream cheese as well as the smoked salmon. Our high tea experience was not rushed, or very or very American (no drive thru high tea available), but for about 2 hours, we sat to savour every last drop of tea and the delicious, mini sandwiches and desserts. My friend Sarah even requested the Elton John "Your Song" to the piano player and he was very happy to play that for us.

However, reality struck when the bill arrived. At about £32.50 pp (around $60), for our high tea afternoon, my wallet took a hit. But it was technically our lunch and dinner in London (we last ate around 8:30am and our waiter refilled our sandwich tray about 4 times), and it was worth it to have the best cup of tea I've ever had in my life. No lie. My only wish for you all is that you may one day experience the delight and wonder of high tea in London.

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Likes/Dislikes about Life in the UK

In honor of being in the lovely UK for about 2 and 1/2 weeks, it is time for a Lisa L reflection on some negatives and positives about this country.

First, my list (only 5 items for now) of grievances:

1) The tap water system. Whenever you go into a bar/restaurant in the US, you are automatically served water in huge, 16 oz glasses with loads of ice. However, in British bars, you get nothing at the table. I mean nothing---just a table. You have to go up to the bar to order all your food, then usually you pick it up too. In addition, you have to ask for tap water, and I've been to a number of bars/restaurants on the weekends, and I've asked for many a glass of tap water (y'all know how much water I can drink). Tap water in a British bar consists of a tiny, just above shot glass size glass of tap water, sans ice. Most of the bartenders I have asked seem peeved too, as if it's a huge inconvenience to put a glass under the tap and actually turn the knob and fill a glass. Go figure.

2. The pound/dollar conversion. The pound is double the dollar. Double the prices, not double the fun. Doubley-ridiculous, I might add. A cup of tea in the city is around 2 pounds ($4), and gum (the little 25 cent packs you can pick up at the market of winterfresh or whatever) are double the price, about 60 cents. It makes me sad at times, so I've stopped doing the double-ing in my head. It's easier on the bank account to just "think in pounds."

3. The entire different system of time, measurements, etc. Right now, the clock on the computer reads 20:54 and I have no idea what that means. Wait, I do...I just have to subtract 12 hours. The British are definitely fond of making you work for understanding the time.

4. No Target or Wal-Mart. Although I did discover Sainbury's (a discount grocery store), which is wonderful!!!

5. The SLOW drivers/driving. It took us 1.5/ 2 hours to get from London to Cambridge, which is only 45 minutes by train. The problem is, the bus driver doesn't go over 60 miles an hour, and their "highways" are actually two lane roads, hence the slowness of it all. When we go to Scotland in the beginning of August, it is a 10 hour bus ride. Oh joy!

And now, some things I REALLY enjoy:

1. Everything in walking distance. Cambridge is similar to need a camera, post-it notes, detergent, and dry cleaning? Just walk outside of the college and within 3 blocks, you're covered. I love that, and I love getting some exercise in (including my room being on the 4th floor of the building).

2. The History/Architecture. Everything in the US is about 18th century...I remember seeing a gravestone that read 1898 or something like that in Reading and thinking it was amazing. In England, some buildings are centuries and centuries old, and living/residing in a building built in the 13th century is just amazing!

3. Hob Nobs. Best British treat ever. It is a oaty, hearty, round biscuit with the top lightly dipped in chocolate. It is wonderful with tea or coffee. I'm bringing a suitcase full of hobnobs back for everyone. No lie.

4. The comradere of the program/residential life. This program brings me back to the undergraduate experience, with everyone living, studying, and dining together. It is like another family/group and so wonderful to always have someone to talk to/distract/walk downtown!

5. The weather. A British summer is (wait, wait for it) a balmy 70 degrees or so. It is not hot, humid, or stifling. It is spring, jeans and t-shirt type of weather, incredibly comfortable with some rain here or there, but for the most part, PERFECT travel weather. What more could you ask for?

So this week, I've been keeping busy with classes and schoolwork, but this weekend, the fun begins....with excursions around Cambridge (including punting...which is kind of like rowing) on Friday then all day London on Saturday!! I can't wait :)

Sunday 22 July 2007


Last night, we headed out to Quinn's, an Irish pub next to the Crowne Plaza Hotel for some quality Karaoke. Once at the pub, I had a classic Pimms and Lemonade, which is really what everyone in England drinks (either that or some sort of Beer). Pimms is a sweetish hard liquor, and the lemonade isn't the lemonade we think of--it's sort of a fizzy soft drink that goes down nice and smooth. It doesn't even taste like alcohol, which is fantastic! I can't do a manhattan (or, um, is it a granny??) like some people. ;)

After grabbing a few drinks and watching some people make absolute fools out of themselves, I submitted my name for Journey's "Don't Stop Believin"--a classic song!!! I was called up to the microphone, but they didn't have the song I wanted--it was a different version, with different words, and by a different group! LAME! So I sat down instead (I had no idea what the song they were playing was) and later on did a group song with all the girls, Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart." It was a great song, and we got lots of applause and cheers, even though it seemed like the song went on forever...including a looong musical break.

The most hilarious thing happened shortly of our professors showed up to sing!! I don't personally have him for class (he teaches travel writing and is in his sixties), but some of the other people have him for class and were shocked at his un-teacherly behavior. He sang "Doctor Doctor (gimme the love)." I didn't know the song, but I found it hilarious. He was busting all these moves left and right, and I learned that he used to be in a rock band when he was younger. No surprise there. He got even more applause than our group!! Here are a few of the photos from last night:

Getting really into the music!

"Turn around, bright eyes......"

Emily, Sara, Yas, Me, and the other Sara with our awesome bartender!

Our professor singing-really into the music!

Canterbury/Dover Photos

On Dover Beach, which was very rocky!!!

With the girls at High Tea!

A Lookout spot on top of the tower!

The funniest sign I have ever seen.

Canterbury Cathedral

Me in the Abbey of the Cathedral

The Cliffs of Dover!!!

Outside of Dover Castle

At the top of Dover Castle! We are victorious!

Saturday 21 July 2007

Just a note...

Blog is being tempermental. If you want to read about Canterbury and Dover, make sure you click on the link to get the full version, with the song lyrics at the end!

Canterbury & Dover

The word "Canterbury" usually evokes Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, a book many of us were forced to read in high school or college English class. However, Canterbury also refers to a Cathedral not too far from London, the place where Thomas Beckett, the archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered and martyred. Since the 12th Century, it has been a place of great pilgrimage and worship.

After a late night (Thanks to a Shakespeare performance in Avon-Stratford) and a very early start the next morning (poor planning! poor planning! What what who said that?), we would embark on our own 2 1/2 hour pilgrimage to the Cathedral via the coach bus. Before I continue, I must launch into a short diatribe on the coach bus. It is probably the most poorly designed bus ever. The seats feel like cardboard with a thin layer of material placed over them, the leg room (for anyone over 5'5") is incredibly cramped, so your knees keep hitting the seat in front of you....the bus driver also loves to blast cold air for some reason, and no matter how many seat positions I've tried (about 38), it's impossible to get comfortable. Miraculously though, I was able to take a short nap on the bus.

When we finally arrived at the Cathedral, we received individual audio tours and a chance to wander around this medieval site. The Cathedral itself was an excellent example of Gothic architecture, with its pointed arches and vaulted ceilings (oh Prof. Raguin would be proud), but my favorite part of the Cathedral was the actual place where Thomas Becket died. On the floor was a simple plaque that said "Thomas" in red letters, and above it was a sculpture with a cross in the center and two long swords pointed downward on either side. It was a sinister sculpture, but with the light and the shadows, it almost looked like the crucifixion, even though it stood for the four swords that pierced Becket. I know my description does not do it justice, but when I upload my photos from yesterday it will make sense!!

After Canterbury and a fast-paced lunch at a tea room to catch the bus, we headed out on the road to the short journey to Dover Castle and the Cliffs of Dover. As soon as our bus pulled up to the Cliffs of Dover, I leapt up from my seat to take some pictures and to absorb the sheer beauty of the cliffs. Jutting out from land, the white cliffs stretched high above the English Channel, interwoven with moss and lush greenery. At the very top stood the majestic Dover Castle.

At the Castle itself, we were able to do a tour of the Secret Wartime Tunnels (WWII). In May 1940 these tunnels provided the nerve centre for Vice Admiral Ramsay to plan The Secret Wartime Tunnels Operation Dynamo – the evacuation of British and allied troops from the Dunkirk beaches of northern France. Inside the tunnel, we were able to view the places were the 700 personnel (both civilians and military people) lived and communicated. There was no air within the tunnels, and the only window was in the bathroom. Shifts were 12 hours long, so workers would come to work in the dark and leave in the dark.

We even got to stand in the very spot in the Command Centre where Sir Winston Churchill viewed the Battle of Britain!!! History unravelled in that moment of time, and I realized the importance of this very place in the War history. Yet, I was also struck by how obsolete it had become. For example, the machine room was lined with various devices, light bulbs, and communication systems....machines that seemed to stretch far down the tunnel. Our tour guide informed us: "All the machines in this room actually contain the power of a single laptop." It was amazing to realize how far "we" (human civilization) had come in terms of technology and other inventions. I was also struck by the fragility of it all--in one moment, you are there, taking part in the war effort, and in the next moment, the very spot you stood had become a museum, a place where other generations could view part of your past.

After exploring the castle and the surrounding areas, we trekked to reach the area by the English Channel, were our coach bus was promptly waiting to pick us up at 5:30. Since we had about a half an hour to kill, what better way to spend it than dipping our feet into the English Channel? The beach of the English Channel was as Matthew Arnold described in his poem "Dover Poem"---full of "shingles," a term for the rocky, pebbly area leading up to the water. That's right, there was no soft, feet friendly sand, only various sizes and shapes of craggy rocks. They were rough and grainy against my soles, but the struggle was worth the chilly dip into the waters of the English Channel.

The cliffs of Dover and Dover Castle have been, without a doubt, my favorite trip thus far. The historical site, the gorgeous, natural scenery, and the water are all almost etheral, and also written about in famous song, "The White Cliffs of Dover."

There'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover,
Just you wait and see.
There'll be joy and laughter
And peace ever after
When the world is free.

A song of optimism and hope, and also, of the beauty of Dover. If you get a chance, go here--it's well worth the journey!

So what's ahead for Lisa? Tonight, dinner at Cambridge and then hopefully Karaoke. And tomorrow, catching up with readings and researching!


Wednesday 18 July 2007


During the week here, there is little time for travel or exploration around the city of Cambridge, since we are all fully engaged with our classes. I believe a famous philosopher was said, "College would be great if it weren't for classes." I'm kidding, kidding of course. The classes I'm taking at Cambridge, 20th century poetry (Eliot, Hardy, Yeats) and Ulysses are both incredibly manageable and interesting. The courses here meet twice a week (mine on Monday & Wed. and Tues & Thurs.) for 2 two hour sessions. Each of my courses is taught by a Cambridge professor, so that means fun British accents and people who know a lot more about British/European history.

The 20th Century poetry course is taught by an 80 year old man named Glen, with a thick british accent. I usually see him walking to class with his green suit and backpack tossed over his shoulder, calmly making his way through the courtyard. We read several poems as homework then basically discuss them as a class, with one major paper at the end. Glen, at 80 years old---is incredibly "with it" and very knowledgeable, whether it comes to terminology or relating a poem to James Cameron's great 1997 hit, Titanic. The class is delightful, and the 2 hours seems to fly by....

The other course I have is Ulysses, which is in itself a difficult text. It is over nine-hundred pages long, and written in a stream of consciousness way, with no filtering system. For example, a page reads, "Want to be sure of his spelling. Proof fever. Martin Cunningham forgot to give us his spellingbee conundrum this morning. It is amusing to view the unpar one ar alleled embarra two ars is it? double ess ment of a harassed pedlar while gauging au the symmetry with a y of a peeled pear under a cemetery wall. Silly, isn’t it? Cemetery put in of course on account of the symmetry." It seems strange at first, but the teacher (Rod M.) is helping us unpack such a dense text and focus on themes of British Imperialism, Irish Nationalism, and the Roman Catholic Church. In this class, I also have one major paper due at the end, which I will be steadily working on for the duration of my time here.

The coursework and class times are both conducive for the trips that are planned on the weekends. For example, this Thursday evening, we are going to Stratford upon Avon to see MacBeth, and all day Friday we will be at Dover Beach and the Cliffs of Dover--written about in the famous poem "Dover Beach," by Matthew Arnold. It should be a busy, action-packed weekend so I am trying to read ahead and finish up all my work!! Until next time....cheers!

Tuesday 17 July 2007

London photos

A few of the street performers at Covent Gardens.

An entertaining musical group

This sign speaks for itself

The British Calvary practicing.

More street performers.

Monday 16 July 2007


On Saturday morning at the (excuse my language) buttcrack of dawn, I rolled out of bed. Glancing at the alarm clock, I saw it was 6:45am. Wishing I could sleep for another few days, I grudgingly rolled out of bed and tried to throw on some halfway decent clothes. I planned to have breakfast in the hall before, so that I would be fueled up for a very long, on-the go day.

I met Yassmeen and Sue on the top of the stairs to walk down to breakfast, where I feasted on scrambled eggs and wheat toast--the cook is starting to know that this is the dish of my choice, since today I walked in and he already started getting it ready. I also had some fresh fruit, and took some cereal and more fruit from breakfast for snacks/lunch in London. After b-fast, we headed to the coach bus, where we boarded on the bus for the 1 1/2 hour ride to London. By train, London is about 45 minutes from Cambridge. However, British roads are not like American roads, where you can travel 75-80 mphs and get to places quickly. The Bus could barely do 60 mph on a two-lane highway. Hence, why it took so excrutiating long to get from Cambridge to London.

Thankfully, we finally arrived and were dropped off right near Big Ben. Let me tell ya, Big Ben ain't so big. In fact, he should called, "The tower formerly known as big." In relation to the skyscrapers, the London Eye, and other tall buildings, Big Ben is measly. I actually learned though, that Big Ben isn't the name of the clock tower at all, but of the bell inside. After walking by Big Ben, we decided to head to Westminster Abbey, a massive church/abbey where former royalty, poets, writers, and presumbly rich people are buried. I saw the tomb of Elizabeth and Mary I, as well as Mary, Queen of Scots, and Henry the VII. Westminster is also the place where Princess Diana's funeral was held. Speaking of Princess Diana, all around the city I saw souvenior stands that carried huge postcards of Princess Diana, including one that was shaped like a cut out of her head. Isn't that a bit morbid? I couldn't think of anyone who I would send a postcard of the deceased Princess too. It seemed to be in poor taste.

After Westminster, we headed to Covent gardens, which is a large marketplace. We also stopped by the Royal Calvary on the way, where the British army trains (I had the urge to shout at them, Keep training! You lost the Revolutionary War! That's about all I have to hold over the British). It was rather uneventful, just poor cavalry people sitting on horses getting photographed by throngs of tourists. My favorite thing was probably the sign, which said, "Warning. Horses may kick or bite."

On the walk to Covent gardens, we passed Trafalgar square, as well as numerous Pizza Expresses and Prets, highly recommended by Beth G as being inexpensive and yummy.

Covent gardens was beautiful--consisting of a large open marketplace with numerous entertainers. There was a man on a ten foot high unicycle, another performer who was a charlie chaplin look alike, and one man who could balance himself on the top of a ladder and juggle knives. It reminded me somewhat of Fanueil Hall, but more performers, and to the extreme!! I had a wonderful time looking at all the items for purchase there too, including a hilarious t-shirt that said, "Hanging with my gnomies." I didn't buy anything because it was all a bit too knick knacky--I mean, who needs a wooden sculpture of a panda or a silk scarf? Not me!!!

After the gardens, we walked along the river and took in more of the sights and street performers. At around 4pm, with the memory of breakfast long gone, we decided to find someplace to eat. We found a place not too far from the London Eye called Archbishop's. It was actually reasonable priced...I got fish and chips and a salad for only about 7.50 pounds ($15). The fish was beer battered and it melted in my mouth--so good! But it took me awhile to call the french fries "chips," and I shooed away the waitress who kept asking me if I would like mayo with them.

By this time, it was around 5ish and we decided to make the trek to the Globe theatre, where we needed to be for an evening performance of Othello. After ending up in the middle of a Turkish festival and walking around for a bit, we finally found the Globe theatre and killed some more time before the performance. Being inside the Globe was amazing. I know it is a reconstruction, but I can't believe people in Shakespeare's time actually stood for hours and hours to watch a performance!! Luckily, our seats were in a higher section of the balcony, so I at least had a back to my seat. However, I rented a cushion for 1 pound since I knew my butt would not be able to take sitting on a slab of wood for 3 1/2 hours. That's right, 3 1/2 hours. Othello was an amazing production, but it was just a bit too long for me. I was exhausted from walking around the city all day, but I still tried to enjoy it to the best of my abilities. It was the classical, unabridged Shakespeare version, with beautiful, Rennassaince-looking costumes and scenery.

At the end of the show, I returned my cushion and we were ushered back on the bus by T-Carn (had to abbreviate his long name), our great director. We arrived back at Cambridge around 1am, making it about a 16 hour day in London.

I feel as if I only got a glimpse of the city, so I want to see and explore it even more--we have another trip two weeks from now into London, and I hope to see the British Museum (where the Rosetta stone is) and Buckingham Palace, perhaps to run into some royalty then!!

Sunday 15 July 2007

First class and fancy free, She's High Society

On Friday, a momentous event happened. So momenteous, I (and everyone else in the program) was allowed to break one the number 1 rule at Cambridge. I was allowed to walk on the grass!!!!! That's right, I not only was able to walk on the grass, but also loiter there, take off my sandals, and even squish my feet into its immaculate greenness.

That day was the day of the Cambridge banquet, this past Friday. On this evening, dinner was an hour later and we would gather first on the lawn around 7pm to enjoy sherry and white wine. We were told to wear our finest---I wore a black dress with an asymetrical hemline and pulled my hair back. After some primping, I met my friends on the lawn where we admired the grass, savored some white wine, and took photographs. I passed on the sherry since all I could remember about sherry was that Ann of Green Gables passage where she drinks too much of it and ends up being sick.

Once the dinner gong was rung, I entered the dining hall, which had been transformed. Gleaming white tablecloths adorned the table, and fancy programs advertising the banquet were laid on the long, wooden tables. Two glasses of wine were offered to us, both red and white. The meal itself consisted of several courses: a smoked salmon, quail egg, and salad platter, tomato basil soup, steak with potatoes and green beans, and finally, apple charlotte with ice cream for dessert. I mean, quail eggs! I never had quail eggs in my life, and I assumed it had to be some sort of delicacy. The meal was also probably around 50 or 100 dollars each. It was an elaborate affair, and in the typical british manner, it was not quick. It was long and drawn out, with breaks in between courses where students read various pieces about the Cambridge Experience, some written by Sylvia Plath or other former students of Cambridge. I closed the cermeony with a reading by Arthur C. Benson, which truly captured the spirit of our program this summer. At least, our own optimism for the program.

"But it pleases me to think that even now there are men
who live quietly among their books, unambitious, perhaps
unproductive, but forgetting the flight of time, and looking out
into a pleasant garden, with its rustling trees, among the sound of
mellow bells. We are, most of us, too much in a fuss nowadays to
live these gentle, innocent, and beautiful lives; and yet the
University is a place where a poor man, if he be virtuous, may lead
a life of dignity and simplicity, and refined happiness. We make
the mistake of thinking that all can be done by precept, when, as a
matter of fact, example is no less potent a force. To make such
quiet lives possible was to a great extent what these stately and
beautiful places were founded for--that there should be in the busy
world a corner where activities should not be so urgent, and where
life should pass like an old dream, tinged with delicate colour and
soft sound"

Not bad, eh? A bit deep, but enjoyable. After the banquet, completely stuffed, I went for a walk with Yassmeen, Ann Marie, Alan, Sarah, Jason, some of them grad students, and a few undergraduates. We walked around the town, enjoying the difference of Cambridge at night--a lot less touristy, but another venue emerging--the nightlife. People in their twenties and thirties were already gathering at bars or smoking outside on the street. I glimpsed taxi cabs lined up in a long stretch, presumbly for people to take around the city to various clubs and bars. I haven't gone out in Cambridge yet, but hopefully next week, since I heard there is a Karaoke place not too far from the college.

After the walk, I headed straight to bed since the next morning, we would leave for London at 8am!!!

Friday 13 July 2007

British Expressions

Here are just a few British expressions that I enjoy, or just completely confuse me.... (esp. the ones about food)

cheers = thank you, goodbye

love = dear

biscuits = cookies

crisps = potato chips

chips = french fries

lorry = truck

loo/toliets = bathroom

telly = tv

pasties = meat and veggie pies

pickles = relish/chutney delight

Wednesday 11 July 2007

King's College Choir

Today I had the intense pleasure of seeing the King's College Choir. The choir is one of the oldest and most prestigious groups, usually singing for special events or for various functions. I was hoping to see the boy's choir, which is composed of young males around ages 7-11, but we happened to sit in on the evening vespers ceremony, where the college male choir sang.

Getting to the actual chapel was intense. We were not allowed into the chapel until approximately 15 minutes before the service, and there were strictly no photographs, cell phones, or loud coughing allowed!--okay, I made that last one up. But seriously, the Brits are intense. While waiting outside the chapel in the courtyard area, the Sign "Keep of the Grass" was written in five different languages!!!!

Once inside the chapel, we all waited while the college males filed in, about 10-12 in all. They must have felt somewhat awkward being constantly oogled at. We waited while they began to chant evening hymns in Latin, and it was absolutely beautiful. My favorite was "the anthem" in which they all harmonized their gorgeous voices together....guys that could sing high notes too. The chapel itself was so beautiful as well as their voices, and I closed my eyes and even began to cry---the music was just that moving. Around me, other people closed their eyes or bowed their heads in prayer.

We all received programs of the Latin chants so we could follow along, and at the bottom of each page, it said, "please turn page quietly." The British don't forget any details!

The finale performance of the choirs are this Sunday, and I would love to see the boys' choir, especially because their voices are so high and untouched by puberty---almost angelic!!

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Me....Mistaken for a local?

Today I had a bizarre experience. With my ipod nestled firmly in my ears and my feet planted on the ground, a middle-aged woman and her husband, map in hand, stopped me in my tracks.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Could you please tell me where the old farm road is?"

(Pretty impressive, already being mistaken for a regular. I think it was the powerwalking and sense of direction that tipped her off).

"I think you need to go down to the next road. This one here is a dead end, so it won't lead you anywhere."

"Thank you so much! Appreciate it!" she replied warmly.

Only my 2nd day here, and already, tourists were asking me for directions. The thing about Cambridge's a bit like Harvard Square. During 10-6pm, there are TONS of people around from all over the country and even the world. You cannot even walk down the street without seeing lots of middle aged people with maps, fanny packs, or tourists in total and utter confusion. The town itself is almost an L-shaped, so it is actually not that difficult to become lost or need to ask for help.

And anyway, what does it mean to be a local? Isn't Cambridge just another transient college town? There are people who reside in Cambridge year round, but in the summer, they take off, and college students and tourists flock to the city. My favorite time of day is actually early morning (8-9:30am). It is wonderful to take a walk at this time, since the sidewalks are nearly empty and the buildings stand in their picturesque, early morning beauty. So maybe Cambridge is slightly confusing to get around....that's probably why I'm even more flattered for being mistaken as a local.

Food, Glorious Food!

It's a widely accepted fact that British food is horrible. The image of boiled potatoes, some strange, unrecognizable piece of meat seem to be the obvious image conjured. If not that, then a person with yellow, uneven teeth (Think: Austin Powers) easily comes to mind. On a quest to discover whether the British got it right or not when it came to cuisine, I can't speak for the entire nation, but I can successfully say that the dining hall at Caius college has it down.

Breakfast and dinner is included in the summer university program, and both are an elegant affair. At breakfast, there are options of cold cereals, fresh raspberries, strawberries, and melons, as well as an assortment of bread, cheeses, butter, and fresh pastries. If that's not enough, in the kitchen is a "british breakfast," consisting of fried and scrambled eggs, sausages, beans, and boiled tomatoes. I don't understand the whole tomato bit, so I stick with safe foods like cereal and eggs.

For lunch, I usually go to the grocery store or the open air market to buy fresh bread and fruit. At 1 or 2 pounds ($2 or $4), you can have a light lunch like Irish soda bread with brie and an apple.

Dinner is a very fancy affair. The dining hall resembles Hogwart's, with long, narrow tables and about 20 people on each side. You can see a photo of the dining hall here....
No one sits at the head of the tables. We are served by a very pleasant wait-staff, all of them English as a second language.

The first course is usually some sort of salad or soup, and you are allowed to choose whether or not you would like the soup or salad. The next course is the main course, which is usually some sort of far, we had boneless chicken and salmon, and tomorrow--duck. There are three sides with the main course, some sort of vegetable like stringed beans or ratatouille, and then some sort of potato...whether it's potatoes au gratin or steak fries. The food has been fantastic, as well as the delicious salads and other dishes. Honestly, I feel as if I am at a fancy, elegant restaurant rather than a university. There's also an abundance of ethnic food places in the area...Indian, tai, italian, and even irish pub-type of places! All these delicious dishes are possible with the walkability of the city, which has beautiful gardens and parks, as well as a river that runs through it (sadly, no Brad Pitt), so I am able to do lots of walking and breathe in the fresh air.

I'm not certain yet if there is a typical "British food," but I know that what I am being served right now is absolutely delicious.

Early Life

Today I arrived at Cambridge University and was overwhelmed by the number of different colleges as well as the sheer beauty of its architecture. The college I'm at, Caius (pronounced Keys), is actually in the center of town, away from the hustle and bustle of tourist life. Upon immediately entering Caius, there are no longer throngs of asian tourists or random Brits walking the streets, but it is limited only to the participants in this summer program, about 50 students. There is only one rule inside the college--NO WALKING ON THE GRASS!!! If you do, they call in the SWAT team and the pack of rottweilers. Just kidding, they don't do all that...but they do get very upset and you get severely reprimanded.

I had a chance to unpack and settle into my room, on the very top floor (about 5 flights up--no lifts). It is oddly shaped, but with a large picture window and my very own sink, which is convenient. Every day, a maid comes in in the morning to get this--make my bed and straighten up my dresser. Do they think American college students are incapable of such a thing?

Classes begin tomorrow, but I am anxious to explore the parks and the gardens surrounding the colleges. One of the parks is actually called "Christ's pieces"---only the Brits would come up with a name like that. Tomorrow afternoon, there is a performance by King's College Choir, one of the most beautiful choral ensembles in the world. I also plan to check out the open air market around here, where you can buy fresh and inexpensive fruit...a bit like haymarket!

My favorite British expressions so far would be "cheers", which is said as a goodbye, and "love", which is a bit like"dear" (ex. how can I help you, love?). I also discovered a wonderful discount grocery/store called Tesco, where all the prices are very low and you can make sandwiches with fresh items--it is like the Superwalmart of the UK!